June 12th has special meaning in our family...it used to be special just for 1 reason, but in 2010 it became special for 2 reasons. :)
I have explained our whole "2-anniversary" story a few times. Our "fake" anniversary is June 12th. We like to celebrate by going out to dinner & exchanging a small present or something. It's the anniversary of the best day of my life. Seriously...June 12, 2004 was THE best day. It was so much fun & I will never forget it as long as I live. I mean, we had all our family & friends around us (well, those that could come) & we all just had the best time ever.
In 2010 it became special for another reason, too. It was the day Dustin's younger sister, Marji, got married to Mike. This year Dustin & I had a little surprise for them. We have a deep-freeze in our garage, so we took their cake top & froze it for them to eat on their 1-year anniversary. Well life got in the way & all 4 of us totally forgot about it on their anniversary! Duh!! So on their 2 year anniversary we took Mike's birthday present to their house (his birthday is the day before...on the 11th), along with the cake; & while they were downstairs opening the present up, I ran upstairs, got the cake from the car, & put it in the middle of their table for them to see when they came back up. So here they are, on their 2-year-anniversary, with a 2-year-old cake top...which, I might add, they did eat!
And just for good measure, because I don't think I've ever posted pictures from our wedding.... (These are pictures of pictures so they're not the best quality.)
June 12, 2004
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