Saturday, August 7, 2010

The Photo Shoot!

The cookbook making is in full swing. I'm like the Mad Scientist...except I'm the Mad Typer!! The deadline for submitting recipes is a week from tomorrow and to be quite honest I thought I only had about 200-250 recipes...well I counted them last night. The total that I have is 460!!!!!!!!! Holy recipes! :o)  That's SO amazing, and they keep coming in. I MAY have to stop inputting at 500, but we'll see. I figured out how many I have to type per day in order to have a few days at the end of the month to spare....and that grand number is 23/day! Uh, yeah, talk about discouraged! I'm not sure if I'll be able to get that done. :(  Pray for fast, non-tendonitis, typing hands!!!!!!!
Anyways I've been majorly stressing about this much that I'm not doing any school work (oh yeah that's right...I'm in school)! I totally forgot about a test that was due last Sunday...and I have another one due tomorrow...uh oh! Well the #1 stressor, besides getting these recipes typed in, is the front & back cover of the book. It just HAS to be good! We didn't want to spend hundreds on a professional person so we decided to do them ourselves. Last night my superb sister-in-law came over with her mac-daddy of a camera and we spent hours having our own little photo shoot with Brooklyn! She took just over 130 pictures! I certainly didn't spend hours looking them over, but there are 5 that immediately caught my eye. I've asked 3 specific people and we all agree on which one will be the famous cover shot! I'm also going to have a bunch of pictures on the back, too. Sorry for disappointing...but the pictures will stay hidden until the book comes out! I know, I sorry..but I can't ruin the surprise! I'll definitely post picures that I'm not going to use though... :o)
So that's that. Photo shoot is less thing to stress about. Yay! Here are some pictures that I can share...that will not be used in the book:


  1. How can you NOT use these? They are precious!! Oh, I know ~~ Why not have a picture album, too? Need more stress? Just let me know, I might be able to come up with something else, too. How's Dustin doing? Does he stress out, too?? Sure hope not ~~ need someone to steer the ship in the right direction ~~ Luv ya!! :0) (((hugs))) Jeanne P.

  2. I love these pics of little Brooklyn. What a cutie. Be sure and include these in the cookbook.
